Craig Swapp & Associates

One Call That's All

Find the Good: One Tire’d Teacher — September 23, 2020

Find the Good: One Tire’d Teacher

As I was driving in the scorching heat of the afternoon sun, I peered over to see a couple of vehicles pulled off to the side of the road, with three people gathered around the car in front. Being naturally nosey and curious, I suspected the vehicle had a flat tire. When I pulled over and got out of my car, my suspicions were confirmed. And then the feels hit me. 80 yr old Janet Oschenshirt was bringing her husband, 83 yr old Werner Oschenshirt back from the hospital when their front tire decided it didn’t want to hold air anymore. In the middle of the blazing hot sun, our first hero, Jeff Stirland pulled over to help. He wasted no time in pulling out the equipment the elderly couple had in the trunk of their car. However, the tools there were not up for the job of switching out the tire. That wouldn’t stop Jeff as he continued trying to work to loosen the rusted lug nuts. Knowing we needed backup, I quickly called a close friend of mine, Parker Daniels, the second hero of our story. Parker, owning every tool known to man and able to fix anything and everything, quickly arrived on scene. He and Jeff continued to work on the wheel, while Jeff took 83 yr old Werner to his vehicle to escape the 95 degree heat while the tire was changed. After some fighting with rusted and stubborn lug nuts, the tire was soon changed. Janet, so appreciative for the help and goodness of Jeff and willingness to stop at a moment’s notice, tried desperately to give him some money for his troubles. Jeff politely and kindly refused. According to him, the opportunity to help someone was payment enough. I, however, was more persistent. Sharing with Jeff and Parker our project of “Finding the Good” here at Craig Swapp and Associates, I asked if I could take some pictures and share the story. Jeff and Parker both agreed. Again, asking Jeff what we could do to thank him for his goodness, he humbly shared with me that he is a teacher for a school in Magna and his students are in need of supplies. With a humble answer from a teacher caring for his students, how could we not support him? Here at Craig Swapp & Associates we are thrilled to support our teachers, and those doing good in our community. We are grateful to support and to Find the Good. Thank you to Jeff and Parker!!

Find the Good on this page.

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Hero Saves Wedding — September 4, 2020

Hero Saves Wedding

Everyone, meet Kortney Wilcock! Kortney was browsing news articles on KUTV News when she came across one that captured her attention and tugged at her heartstrings. A young couple had just been married and was experiencing the highs of joyous celebrations. As is typical, the friends of the wedding party decided to decorate their car in celebration of the new marriage. As the young couple returned home for the evening, they left the new decor on the windows of their car as they parked at their apartment complex in Sandy. The next morning brought heartache as they went outside to see that an anonymous person had vandalized their car by keying racist words and symbols into the paint alongside their car. What was a celebration, quickly turned to heartache and pain as they didn’t anticipate someone being so malicious. Enter Kortney into the scene. Kortney works as the office manager for Rick Warner Body Shop. She saw the article and felt that this newly-wed couple deserved to continue the highs of celebration of their new marriage and decided to help. She did her due diligence and tried searching for the young couple on Facebook, but could only find the mother of the bride. She reached out and asked them to contact her, and offered to repair the damage for the young couple, free of charge. The young couple were surprised and immensely grateful. Kortney insisted that she, as well as her employer, wanted to do something good to help these folks out.
Craig Swapp and Associates saw the article, and in partnership with Fratelli Ristorante in Sandy, decided that we wanted to thank Kortney with a night out with her family for going above and beyond to do a little good that meant the world to a newly-wed couple. A BIG thank you to Kortney for doing what she could, with what she had, and spreading some goodness in people’s lives. As Kortney stated in the follow up KUTV news article spotlighting her “It’s a hard time for people; it’s really hard. And I really think we need to be there for each other.” We couldn’t agree more Kortney. Thank you for Finding the Good, and Being the Good!
If you have stories in your own life that you would like to share, or experiences of people doing good, please email them to so we can thank these people and help spread some positivity in the world. We know there’s good all around us, and we want to hear the stories! Remember to always Find the Good and Be the Good
Find the Good - Kortney Wilcock

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Understanding the Effects of Car Accidents — June 9, 2020

Understanding the Effects of Car Accidents

No one ever thinks a car accident will happen in Boise, but then one does. You may feel shocked and upset after a collision occurs. If you weren’t at fault, the best thing you can do is seek medical treatment and contact a lawyer. Your life can be affected in many ways. You deserve justice for what’s happened.

Not only can you suffer physically from your accident but the financial consequences can be brutal. You shouldn’t have to pay for what happened to you if you didn’t cause the accident. When you have a personal injury lawyer in Boise by your side, you can recover a settlement for your damages and focus on your recovery.

Your Financial Burden

You may find that the accident has caused a significant financial burden on your life. If you were injured, then your medical expenses can be extensive. You may also be unable to work because of your injuries which can cause a loss of income. If your car was damaged in the accident, you can seek compensation for property damage as well. You shouldn’t have to pay for anything after your accident.

The Emotional Aftermath

In addition to the financial burden, you can suffer emotionally from your injuries. A car accident may cause pain and suffering. You may have trouble getting in the car again after what you’ve been through and your injuries may make it hard to return to normal life. The liable party should have to compensate you for all the ways you’ve been affected. 

Contact a Boise Personal Injury Attorney

Hiring a lawyer can be key in maximizing your settlement. Your lawyer will know how to negotiate and fight for what you deserve. If you’re ready to schedule a free consultation with a Boise personal injury lawyer from Craig Swapp & Associates, call 1-800-404-9000 or visit our website to learn more.

How to Sue a Trucking Company for a Truck Accident — May 14, 2020

How to Sue a Trucking Company for a Truck Accident

As you’re driving down the interstate near Salt Lake City, you spot an 18-wheeler in your rearview mirror. At first, you think nothing of it because it’s rare to drive on the interstate without seeing at least one truck. But as you look closer, something feels different about this one. Although it’s subtle, the truck seems to sway side to side. As it approaches, the swaying becomes more severe.

You begin to panic, but there’s no room for you to move out of the way. There are cars in front of you preventing you from speeding up. The truck pulls up next to you, and you can see that the driver is falling asleep behind the wheel! There’s nothing you can do to get out of the way and the truck veers into you on the passenger side. You try to avoid it, but you run off the road. Your car is totaled.

After seeking medical help for your injuries, you know you must file a lawsuit and hold the truck driver liable. A Salt Lake City truck accident attorney from Craig Swapp & Associates can help. We know that most truck drivers are employed by trucking companies, and we’re prepared to fight them for you.

When a Trucking Company May Be Liable

A trucking company may be liable for your truck accident if the truck driver who hit you was driving while on the job. Most drivers have hefty insurance policies covering them, which can work in your favor. When going up against an insurance company, we know they have money to spare. We can fight the insurance company to get you the settlement you deserve.

Evidence to Prove Your Case

If a truck driver collides with you on the road, it’s very likely that they’re at fault for the accident. But the more evidence you have to prove your case, the better. Evidence you can gather may include witness statements, video footage, photographs, medical records, and the police report, as a few examples. If you can prove the driver was falling asleep behind the wheel, your settlement may increase.

Speak with a Salt Lake City Truck Accident Lawyer

A lawyer will have the experience necessary to handle a trucking company and get the most money out of your claim. If you’re ready to speak with a Salt Lake City truck accident attorney from Craig Swapp & Associates, you can schedule a free consultation by calling 1-800-404-9000. You can also visit our website to learn more.

Responding to a Low Settlement Offer from an Insurance Company — April 9, 2020

Responding to a Low Settlement Offer from an Insurance Company

When you’re hurt in a car accident, you may be relieved that your insurance company is willing to step in and help you recover. That is, you’re relieved until you see the amount they’re offering. It may even be startlingly low, not enough to cover your bills and needs. 

When that happens, you need to know what to expect when responding to a low settlement offer from your insurance company. Acting appropriately could help you get the full compensation you need for your losses. 

You Don’t Have to Accept It

When the insurance company offers you a settlement, your first feeling may be disappointment. The offer is too low to meet your needs and help you overcome the injuries you suffered during a crash in Boise, for example. 

The good news is, you don’t have to accept that low settlement offer. The insurance company may be trying to protect its profits, but that doesn’t mean your health has to suffer for it. Instead of accepting the settlement to get your claim over with, you can demand a higher settlement that actually meets your needs. 

Writing Your Demand Letter

After you’re given a low settlement offer, you can say no, but then what can you do? Typically, your next step is to write a demand letter to the insurance company. This letter should detail why you should have received a higher offer. 

When writing your demand letter, you and your lawyer may be especially focused on the evidence for your claim. Any paperwork, exam results, or evidence that could prove you need more funds can support your demand letter. 

Take Your Claim to Court after a Low Settlement Offer

Sometimes, the insurance company simply isn’t willing to work with you about your insurance settlement. The company may be trying to protect its profits, but you may be eligible for additional compensation even if they’re not willing to pay. In these cases, you may need a lawyer from Craig Swapp & Associates on your side. 

Your lawyer can help you take your claim to court when the insurance company refuses to help you. The company may be acting in bad faith, for example. Starting with a free consultation, your attorney can help you gather evidence for your claim and seek the compensation you deserve. To discuss your claim with a lawyer, call 1-800-404-9000 or visit us online for more options. 

Can You Sue if You Contracted Coronavirus at Work? — April 2, 2020

Can You Sue if You Contracted Coronavirus at Work?

Can You Sue if You Contracted Coronavirus at Work?

As of the writing of this article, Idaho is currently under a shelter-in-place order. This means that all nonessential businesses have been ordered to close their doors and residents are asked to leave their homes only if absolutely necessary. Essential workers are still able to leave their homes to go to work each day, increasing their risk of being exposed to and contracting the novel coronavirus (COVID-19).

Essential employees, and those who may be out of work due to the shelter-in-place order, who are diagnosed with coronavirus within two to fourteen days after their business closed, may be wondering what legal options they have to sue their supervisor, colleague, employer, or other third party for negligence.  

Read on to learn more about when you could contract the coronavirus at work and when filing a personal injury claim against the liable party may be appropriate.

Did You Contract COVID-19 at Work?

The coronavirus is a respiratory virus. This means that it spreads through the drops of saliva or discharge from the nose. When people sneeze or cough, touch their face, and then touch objects or other people, the disease can spread. Unfortunately, this makes it impossible to know for sure how you contracted the coronavirus. 

However, if you have a colleague who has also been diagnosed with the illness, or a family member of a colleague contracted COVID-19, you may have a stronger case that you contracted the disease at work. 

If your lawyer can show that the likelihood of you having contracted the coronavirus at work is strong, you may be able to pursue a personal injury lawsuit against whomever could be responsible for exposing you to this disease.

When You May Be Able to Sue for Contracting COVID-19 at Work

Although it may be difficult at this time to prove that you were exposed to the coronavirus at work, there are several instances in which your employer, a colleague, or supervisor may be held liable for the fact that you contracted the disease. 

For example, maybe a colleague was feeling symptoms of the coronavirus but chose to come to work anyways. Or, perhaps your employer refused to allow you to stay home and self-isolate due to  your concerns and you were forced to continue risking your exposure to the disease if you wanted to keep your job. 

Another example could be if your employer did not take proper precautions such as disinfecting the work areas and providing you with necessary protective equipment such as gloves. Your personal injury lawyer can take a closer look at your case to determine whether filing a claim is in your best interests.

Contact an Idaho Personal Injury Lawyer

If you believe you may have contracted COVID-19 at work and are interested in pursuing a personal injury claim against the at-fault party, you can reach out to a dedicated Idaho personal injury lawyer at Craig Swapp & Associates to discuss your legal options. 

We can be reached by phone at 1-800-404-9000 or through the online contact form at the bottom of this page when you are ready to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation.

The post Can You Sue if You Contracted Coronavirus at Work? appeared first on Craig Swapp & Associates.

How do Personal Injury Attorneys get Paid — January 7, 2020

How do Personal Injury Attorneys get Paid

How do Personal Injury Attorneys get Paid

Link to Fox 13 video: 

It’s a common question that most people have before hiring a personal injury attorney, how exactly is the attorney going to be paid? The following is a general explanation of how it all works. 

Contingency Fee

The most common method that personal injury attorneys are paid is known as a contingency fee. A contingency fee means that the attorney’s pay is contingent on the settlement amount of the client’s case. At Craig Swapp & Associates that fee is 33.3% (unless the case goes to arbitration or a jury trial, then it moves to 40%).

Simply put, the personal injury firm doesn’t make any money unless they win their client’s case and that the attorney’s pay depends on the amount the client gets. This works well for both the client and the law firm because the more the client settles for the more money they receive, and the more the law firm makes.

The Process

Compilation of Evidence – Initially the personal injury attorney is focused on compiling and understanding the evidence that an at-fault party caused the personal injury accident. During this time the client is receiving medical treatment and the attorney is working on what damages and injuries the client suffered.

Negotiation – Once the attorney has determined the extent of the compensable damages the client suffered, and once the client has finished receiving medical treatment, the negotiation begins between the at-fault party’s insurance company and the personal injury attorney.

Settlement – If the attorney is unable to reach a fair settlement amount through negotiation, further legal steps may be taken. Once a fair settlement is reached and the client decides to accept, the case is settled.

Dispersion – After the case has been settled the money is dispersed. All medical bills are covered, the attorney takes their fee, and whatever remains goes to the client’s pocket.

An Example

Let’s say, as an example, Dawn is injured in a car accident. She calls the experienced personal injury attorneys of Craig Swapp & Associates and hires an attorney to take her case. Dawn needs an ER visit and several months of chiropractic care and physical therapy. She misses a couple of weeks from work while she’s injured. Dawn previously enjoyed playing soccer and running but her injuries make it very difficult for her to enjoy those activities. Her personal injury attorney determines the following compensable items for her case:

  • Medical bills: $10,000.00
  • Lost wages: $2,000.00
  • Pain and suffering: $5,000.00
  • Loss of quality of life: $8,000.00

The attorney negotiates with the at-fault driver’s insurance company and after consulting with Dawn they settle the case for $25,000.00. The following is how the settlement funds are dispersed:

  • Dawn’s medical providers: $10,000.00
  • Dawn’s attorney (33%): $8,250.00
  • Dawn’s pocket after all medical bills are paid: $6,750.00

It’s important to note that Dawn’s case is an example. The details of each personal injury case are different and so are the amounts the attorney is paid and the client receives.

An Experienced Personal Injury Attorney

Those who hire a personal injury attorney average a settlement three times larger than those who try to settle their case on their own. If you or a loved one has been injured by the negligence of someone else, give the experienced attorneys of Craig Swapp & Associates a call at 1-800-404-9000 to set up a free consultation.

The post How do Personal Injury Attorneys get Paid appeared first on Craig Swapp & Associates.

10 Worst Pileups in Recent US History — December 2, 2019

10 Worst Pileups in Recent US History

10 Worst Pileups in Recent US History

Car accidents are always scary, but things can go from a small accident involving just a couple of vehicles to a major pileup very quickly. Here’s a look at the worst pileups in recent US history, and the factors that caused them.

  1. Catoosa County, Georgia in 2002 on I-75 – 125 vehicles involved – 39 injuries – 4 fatalities

This serious accident was caused by foggy conditions on the road. A semi-truck hit a wall of fog and then collided with the back of another semi. As more vehicles approached the accident, they were unable to avoid a collision because of the fog.

  1. San Antonio, Texas in 1994 on I-35 – 127 vehicles involved – 67 injuries – 0 fatalities

One of the largest accidents to ever occur in the state of Texas was caused due to slick roads and a bright glare from the sun. Thankfully, no one was killed.

  1. Alamance County, North Carolina in 2016 on I-85 – 130 vehicles involved – 20 injuries – 0 fatalities

In 2016 this massive accident in North Carolina happened due to major amounts of water on the roadways, combined with the glare from the sun. Police officers also reported that “rubbernecking” was also part of the issue as passing drivers focused on the accident instead of the road ahead. While an extreme amount of property damage occurred, there were no fatalities and none of the 20 injuries were serious.

  1. Stafford County, Virginia in 2001 on I-95 – 131 vehicles involved – 100 injuries – 1 fatality

The cause of this Virginia accident included slick asphalt caused by thick snow showers. Drivers continued to travel at a high rate of speed, leading to multiple accidents and a major pileup. Due to the severity of the accident and the resulting cleanup, traffic was backed up over 12 miles from the point of the accident.

  1. Kansas City, Kansas in 2010 on I-70 – 140 vehicles involved – 13 injuries – 0 fatalities

This incredibly large pile-up outside of Kansas City happened when a brief burst of heavy snow produced near-white out conditions. Motorists also reported icy roads. Cleanup took over six hours before traffic could resume.

  1. Sumner County, Tennessee in 2011 on SR-386 – 176 vehicles involved – 16-18 injuries – 1 fatality

The deadly combination of black ice and dense fog caused this major accident in Tennessee. The chain of events began when a car lost control and ran off the highway. Other motorists were unable to see the accident because of the fog and unable to avoid the collision because of the icy roads. 

  1. Galesburg, Michigan in 2015 on I-94 – 193 vehicles involved – 23 injuries – 1 fatality

Heavy snowfall created the conditions that led to this serious pileup in Michigan. A semi-truck carrying fireworks was involved in the accident, and the impact caused the fireworks to ignite causing a number of explosions. Another semi involved spilled acid onto the road, creating an additional hazard. Crashed vehicles stretched for hundreds of yards at the scene.

  1. Ingham County, Michigan in 2005 on I-96 – 200 vehicles involved – 37 injuries – 2 fatalities

The worst pileup in recent history in the state of Michigan occurred when a thick fog descended on I-96. The accident began with an SUV and a semi-truck and evolved into a pileup including 114 vehicles on the eastbound side and another 86 on the westbound side.

  1. Mobile, Alabama in 1995 on I-10 – 200 vehicles involved – 90 injuries – 1 fatality

Heavy fog rising off of Mobile Bay, giving motorists extremely limited visibility, caused this monstrous multi-vehicle accident in Alabama. With a whopping 200 vehicles involved, this is one of the largest accidents in US history. 

  1. Los Angeles, California in 2002 on I-710 – 216 vehicles involved – 41 injuries – 0 fatalities

The largest pileup in recent US history happened approximately 25 miles south of Los Angeles. A morning fog lay over the freeway and a semi-truck crashed into the center concrete divider. Due to very poor visibility drivers couldn’t avoid the wrecked semi, causing an enormous chain of accidents. Incredibly, there were no fatalities.

If you or a loved one has been injured in a pileup or any other type of car accident caused by another driver, you deserve fair and full compensation for the injuries and damages you’ve suffered. Give the experienced attorneys of Craig Swapp & Associates a call at 1-800-404-9000 to set up a free consultation with one of our specialists or tell us your story by filling out the online form at bottom of this page. 

The post 10 Worst Pileups in Recent US History appeared first on Craig Swapp & Associates.

What is PIP or no-fault insurance? — November 18, 2019

What is PIP or no-fault insurance?

What is PIP or no-fault insurance?

An important facet of auto insurance is PIP or no-fault coverage. The following is an explanation of what PIP is, how it works, and how it affects you as a driver.

Personal Injury Protection

PIP stands for personal injury protection and is commonly referred to as no-fault insurance. It’s a type of insurance coverage that kicks in after you’ve been injured in an auto accident, independently of who is at fault for the accident.

Who is it available to?

In Utah, all auto insurance policies must include this type of coverage. It is not however required on motorcycles or trailers.

How much is it? 


How does it work?

Here’s an example of how PIP is applied after an accident. Let’s say Martha is in a car accident when another driver runs a red light and hits her. She has symptoms of a concussion so she’s taken to the emergency room. After the ER, visit she gets a bill for $2,900.00. Her PIP coverage pays the full amount because she’s under the $3,000.00 threshold. 

What if I caused the accident?

PIP is available whether or not you caused the accident. It’s often called no-fault insurance because it applies to you regardless of who is at fault for the accident.

Does it apply to pedestrians hit by vehicles?

Yes. If a pedestrian is hit by a vehicle in Utah, the PIP on the at-fault driver’s insurance is applied to the injured pedestrian.

What if my medical bills exceed $3,000.00?

Let’s return to the example of Maria. Let’s say after the PIP covered her ER visit she had some back pain. She goes to a chiropractor and receives treatment for a couple months. She receives a bill for $1,200. Her PIP becomes exhausted. At this point, Maria is responsible for her medical bills, through her health insurance or other payment options. Hopefully, the at-fault driver’s insurance company offers a settlement amount that will at least cover Maria’s medical bills.

At this point in Maria’s case, it’s in her best interest to hire an experienced personal injury attorney. Insurance companies exist to make money, and it is in their best interest to minimize the amount they have to pay out when their clients cause an accident. Once a settlement has been reached, there is no going back for more compensation, even if more medical treatment is needed. That’s why it’s essential to reach a fair and full settlement. An experienced attorney maximizes the total settlement that victims of accidents receive.

If you or a loved one has been injured in a car accident caused by another driver, the attorneys at Craig Swapp & Associates will fight for the following compensation for you:

  • All medical bills associated with the accident
  • Lost wages from time missed at work
  • General pain and suffering
  • A decrease in quality of life
  • Much more depending on the specifics of your unique case

Get in Touch 

Give the experienced attorneys of Craig Swapp & Associates a call today to set up a free consult with one of our specialists at 1-800-404-9000 or tell us your story by filling out the online form at the bottom of this page.

The post What is PIP or no-fault insurance? appeared first on Craig Swapp & Associates.

New Utah Winter Weather Restrictions Rule for Vehicles — November 8, 2019

New Utah Winter Weather Restrictions Rule for Vehicles

New Utah Winter Weather Restrictions Rule for Vehicles

A new rule from the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) that went into effect on September 1st, 2019 requires snow tires or snow chains on most passenger cars and light-duty trucks during weather restrictions on Utah roads.

Who it Applies To

The new rule applies to all 2-wheel drive vehicles under 12,000 lbs. gross vehicle weight. That means there are no updates that concern drivers of 4-wheel or all-wheel drive vehicles, and they may continue to use all-season tires on roads with weather restrictions.

What’s New

In previous years, drivers entering roads with weather restrictions could get away with tires indicated with a mud and snow rating (M+S or M/S). Now, 2-wheel drive vehicles will need certified snow tires with the three-peak mountain snowflake logo or an acceptable traction device.

Snow Tires vs Chains

Chains or similar traction devices are also acceptable for drivers of 2-wheel vehicles on weather restricted roads. There are pros and cons to both snow tires and snow chains. The following is a comparison:

Snow Tires


  • Provide excellent traction on snowy/icy roads.
  • Won’t cause damage to dry roadways.
  • Can be used effectively on dry pavement.


  • More expensive than chains ($100-$200 per tire on most 2-wheel drive vehicles).
  • Will need to be installed and removed by professionals at the start and the end of the winter.
  • Wear out faster when driven on dry pavement.



  • Provide the greatest amount of traction on ice, packed snow, and deep snow.
  • Substantially cheaper than snow tires ($20-$40 per chain).
  • Easily installed and removed by the driver.


  • Are not meant for use on dry pavement.
  • Can only be used at a low speed of travel.
  • Requires the driver to pull over and install them every time they’re used.

Which Utah Roads May be Affected

A map specifying which roads are subject to weather restrictions across the state can be found at 

The most frequently traveled roads include:

  •  I-80 East between Salt Lake City and Park City
  • US 89 between Brigham City and Logan
  • Big Cottonwood Canyon
  • Little Cottonwood Canyon

Penalty for Non-Compliance

Depending on the road and the severity of the weather conditions, a police or transportation officer may check each vehicle intending to travel on the affected road. Entrance may be denied if the vehicle doesn’t have the appropriate snow tires or chains.

Non-compliant drivers may also be given a warning or an infraction which may include a fine.

Winter Driving Accidents

Adverse driving conditions, especially snowy and icy ones, inevitably create more car accidents. If you or a loved one has been injured in a winter driving accident caused by the negligence of another driver you deserve fair and full compensation for the damages and injuries you’ve suffered.

At Craig Swapp & Associates our attorneys have the experience necessary to reach the maximum compensation for your individual case. Give us a call at 1-800-404-9000 to set up a free consultation with one of our specialists. You can also get in touch with us by filling out the online form at the bottom of this page or visit us on Facebook at

The post New Utah Winter Weather Restrictions Rule for Vehicles appeared first on Craig Swapp & Associates.